
Yii favors conventions over configurations. Follow the conventions and one can create sophisticated Yii applications without writing and managing complex configurations. Of course, Yii can still be customized in nearly every aspect with configurations when needed.

Below we describe conventions that are recommended for Yii programming. For convenience, we assume that WebRoot is the directory that a Yii application is installed at.


By default, Yii recognizes URLs with the following format:


The r GET variable refers to the route that can be resolved by Yii into controller and action. If ActionID is omitted, the controller will take the default action (defined via CController::defaultAction); and if ControllerID is also omitted (or the r variable is absent), the application will use the default controller (defined via CWebApplication::defaultController).

With the help of CUrlManager, it is possible to create and recognize more SEO-friendly URLs, such as http://hostname/ControllerID/ActionID.html. This feature is covered in detail in URL Management.


Yii recommends naming variables, functions and class types in camel case which capitalizes the first letter of each word in the name and joins them without spaces. Variable and function names should have their first word all in lower-case, in order to differentiate from class names (e.g. $basePath, runController(), LinkPager). For private class member variables, it is recommended to prefix their names with an underscore character (e.g. $_actionList).

Because namespace is not supported prior to PHP 5.3.0, it is recommended that classes be named in some unique way to avoid name conflict with third-party classes. For this reason, all Yii framework classes are prefixed with letter "C".

A special rule for controller class names is that they must be appended with the word Controller. The controller ID is then defined as the class name with first letter in lower case and the word Controller truncated. For example, the PageController class will have the ID page. This rule makes the application more secure. It also makes the URLs related with controllers a bit cleaner (e.g. /index.php?r=page/index instead of /index.php?r=PageController/index).


A configuration is an array of key-value pairs. Each key represents the name of a property of the object to be configured, and each value the corresponding property's initial value. For example, array('name'=>'My application', 'basePath'=>'./protected') initializes the name and basePath properties to their corresponding array values.

Any writable properties of an object can be configured. If not configured, the properties will take their default values. When configuring a property, it is worthwhile to read the corresponding documentation so that the initial value can be given properly.


Conventions for naming and using files depend on their types.

Class files should be named after the public class they contain. For example, the CController class is in the CController.php file. A public class is a class that may be used by any other classes. Each class file should contain at most one public class. Private classes (classes that are only used by a single public class) may reside in the same file with the public class.

View files should be named after the view name. For example, the index view is in the index.php file. A view file is a PHP script file that contains HTML and PHP code mainly for presentational purpose.

Configuration files can be named arbitrarily. A configuration file is a PHP script whose sole purpose is to return an associative array representing the configuration.


Yii assumes a default set of directories used for various purposes. Each of them can be customized if needed.


Most Web applications are backed by some database. For best practice, we propose the following naming conventions for database tables and columns. Note that they are not required by Yii.
